UserLand supported XML-RPC from version 5.1 of its Frontier web content management system, released in June 1998. As new functionality was introduced, the standard evolved into what is now SOAP.
#Xml rpc client software
Public void executeAsync( XmlRpcRequest pRequest,The XML-RPC protocol was created in 1998 by Dave Winer of UserLand Software and Microsoft, with Microsoft seeing the protocol as an essential part of scaling up its efforts in business-to-business e-commerce. pCallback - The callback being notified when the request is finished. pMethodName - The method being performed.

Parameters: pConfig - The request configuration. Throws XmlRpcException Performs an asynchronous request with the given configuration. Public void executeAsync( XmlRpcClientConfig pConfig, Parameters: pMethodName - The method being performed. Throws XmlRpcException Performs an asynchronous request with the clients default configuration. Parameters: pRequest - The request being performed. Throws XmlRpcException Performs a request with the given configuration. Public execute( XmlRpcClientConfig pConfig, Throws: XmlRpcException - Performing the request failed. Throws XmlRpcException Performs a request with the clients default configuration. The client will use this factoryįor invocation of XmlRpcTransportFactory.getTransport() Public XmlRpcTransportFactory getTransportFactory() Returns the clients transport factory. Parameters: pFactory - The clients transport factory. The client will invoke theįactory method XmlRpcTransportFactory.getTransport() Public void setTransportFactory( XmlRpcTransportFactory pFactory) Sets the clients transport factory.

Returns: The default request configuration. This configuration is used by the methodsĮxecute(XmlRpcClientConfig, String, List), orĮxecute(XmlRpcClientConfig, String, Object) Public XmlRpcClientConfig getClientConfig() Returns the clients default configuration. Specified by: getConfig in class XmlRpcController Returns: The default request configuration. Public XmlRpcConfig getConfig() Returns the clients default configuration. Parameters: pConfig - The default request configuration. Or execute(XmlRpcClientConfig, String, Object). You may overwrite this per request by usingĮxecute(XmlRpcClientConfig, String, List), Public void setConfig( XmlRpcClientConfig pConfig) Sets the clients default configuration. Specified by: getDefaultXmlRpcWorkerFactory in class XmlRpcController Returns: The default factory for workers. Protected XmlRpcWorkerFactory getDefaultXmlRpcWorkerFactory() Description copied from class: XmlRpcController Creates the controllers default worker factory. Methods inherited from class Ĭlone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait GetMaxThreads, getTypeFactory, getWorkerFactory, setMaxThreads, setTypeFactory, setWorkerFactory SetXmlWriterFactory( XmlWriterFactory pFactory) SetTransportFactory( XmlRpcTransportFactory pFactory) Returns the clients default configuration.Ĭreates the controllers default worker factory. Performs an asynchronous request with the given configuration. Performs an asynchronous request with the clients default configuration.ĮxecuteAsync( XmlRpcClientConfig pConfig, Performs a request with the given configuration.ĮxecuteAsync( pMethodName, Performs a request with the clients default configuration. Modifications, the client may be used for an arbitrary number Methods, store it in a field and never modify it again. SetTransportFactory(XmlRpcTransportFactory) and similar The suggested use is, that you configure the client using The configuration object is designed for being passed through theĪ configured XmlRpcClient object is thread safe: In other words, In Apache XML-RPC 3.0, the configuration details has been moved to Suggested encoding, user credentials and the like) have been stored. Until Apache XML-RPC 2.0, this object was used both as an objectįactory and as a place, where configuration details (server URL, XmlRpcClient in a static variable, unless you would be It is designed with singletons in mind: Basically,Īn application should be able to hold a single instance of This object serves mainlyĪs an object factory. The main access point of an XML-RPC client. Public class XmlRpcClient extends XmlRpcController SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD XmlRpcClient (Apache XML-RPC 3.1.4-SNAPSHOT API)