Candlelight bridal
Candlelight bridal

candlelight bridal

This is proven true by the simple fact that procreation cannot occur while engaging in the activities named above. Homosexuality, bestiality, and self-gratification, et al. Therefore, sexual activity has been perverted into many forms unintended by our Creator. It is commonly believed that sex is designed for fun and intended solely for that purpose. Sex for pleasure has been the downfall of mankind and civilizations from the earliest history. It is not a recreational activity and is not intended to be engaged in with anyone other than the spouse of the married person. Sexual activity is limited to the marriage union. Although this is not the only benefit, it is the fundamental purpose. Sexual pleasure is designed by God to encourage sexual activity for God’s purposes in procreation. It is not intended simply as a pleasurable exercise for human satisfaction. Human sexuality is designed for procreation. The term “matrimony” derived its meaning and origin in the Latin, and is in effect, “the making of a mother.” Therefore, marriage is God’s design for the unity and fulfillment of a man’s relationship with one woman for the purpose of procreative family development. Marriage and its associated human sexuality is God’s designed method for procreation. The two persons-male and female-being joined together as one before God, provide the complimentary unity of the man and woman, enhancing human fulfillment and the necessary procreative biological design needed for family development. Therefore God made the woman to be the compatible companion for man. In the plan of God we learn that it is not good for man to be alone. God uniquely made man from the dust of the earth and woman from the man. The purpose of marriage is the God-ordained plan for procreation and family development. Marriage is the God-ordained, covenant union of one man and one woman into holy matrimony. We are sinners in need of the grace, mercy and truth He alone provides. Jesus was well known as a friend of sinners. Jesus ministered to sinners and although He commanded repentance, He treated them with respect and concern. If you are a believer and the kind of person that a homosexual would invite to their wedding, then you are likely demonstrating the nature of Jesus and emulating the love He has for all men and women. Never has there been a redefinition of holy matrimony in this manner. This decision will impact the nation in a way unprecedented, not only in American history, but for the world.

candlelight bridal

In June 2015 the United States Supreme Court will announce their decision about same sex marriage for the country.

Candlelight bridal